Friday, November 13, 2009

Mallot's Minions

These are some rebels that like to cause a bit of trouble wherever they decide to.
Left to right:
Mallot, Boom, Rikk Tok, Book, and Blaine-Quet


  1. -->> there's a motley crew i can get into .. ( sides , one's named Rikk "Tok" .. ;p

  2. -->> .. meh, following best i can do for now.. (( SUE ME, I BEEN BUZY >;{ ))

    So maybe i didn't make in time for no damn " B-7 Contest " - but maybe i can at least win the B-7 Booby prize of a bag of puppy barf and stern kick in the groin.

    I did this for the hell of it then, too - and cuz i love ZIP !! !!


    ** ZIP - idddied00.

    grrrummphhhhhhhh ~~ **

    ~ t
